The best cat tree ever

September 1, 2021

Finally, someone ‘up there’ has turned down the heater. We are having lovely sunny days now, with no humidity and the insane heat is now gone. This means we can open the window in the cat room regularly – not unsupervised, of course, despite the measures in place to keep the family away from the window screen. But enough that some fresh air can enter the room and temps go down a bit.

Today our resident cat Suzi needs to go to the vet to have her urinary tract double-checked. Two weeks ago, she got her second infection of the year and it always freaks us out how fast a cat can go from behaving completely normal to being very sick. Let’s hope the values in her labwork have improved!

We are also getting close to Dixie’s passing date, so I feel a bit emotional. I played with the little fillies today and I think we are in the middle of a new growing spurt. They all feel solid and nicely fattened up and race around the room like idiots to catch the cat toys on sticks.

I have to say that this new cat tree is the best one, like, EVER! We found it at our local PetValue store and at first I had some doubts. You know, it was really high and big. But it is the absolute best we have ever had and it is just perfect to drain the energy from 6 over-active kittens. It keeps them out of mischief with the other stuff that is in the room and I am amazed by how fast they learn to climb it and play on it. And fall from it (because that is part of the learning process).

This is only the upper part of the tree. There are two more levels down below. The beauty of this thing is that you can swing out some of the components, to make it more fun, or, in the beginning, to ensure that when the kittens fall off, they don’t risk injuring themselves.

The tree has a little hamoc, as Kabiri is demonstrating here. Spooky is playing with him. On top is a small hiding ‘box’ and the kittens can also sit on top of that. The hamoc can be swung out. We have the tree pushed up against a chair so that it has an additional level and a soft place to fall.

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