Mitsy’s nursery blog

Welcome to the home page of Mitsy’s nursery blog. This used to be a live blog with daily posts, but it has now come full circle and Mitsy, the previously feral cat, is now part of our small household. She is well-socialised, but still has trouble meeting other people. That will come in due time. She loves cuddles and play and she is a completely different animal from when we met her first, on the doorstep of our backyard sliding door. You can browse the blog post by post, or you can jump to posts that interest you in particular. For those of you who are interested in tips and tricks about trapping a pregnant feral and guiding her to a different kind of life, there is a special section with tips and tricks, that you may find helpful. If you have any questions, use the Contact me page to send me a message and I will reply…

Click any of the post links in the bottom of this page or start below at the very beginning and browse from post to post. Enjoy!

How is Mitsy now?

Click here to see how Mitsy is doing these days…

  • How it all begins…

    March 11, 2021 It is early March 2021 and an unknown, small cat appears in our suburban backyard. The above picture is one of the first we were able to snap of her, through the backyard windows. We are immediately impressed with her direct stare. Nothing like the slightly disinterested look typical for most ats;…


  • The agony of decision making…

    March 12, 2021 I would have never described myself as someone who has trouble with decision making. But meeting Mitsy changed all of that. From the moment I realised she was not a lost domesticated cat, but a semi-feral one, I started to agonise about these questions: I lessened my anxiety by collecting as much…


  • Where are the kittens?!?

    April 19, 2021 The first time we set up a trap to get Mitsy is in the weekend of March 21 and it is COLD outside. We have been feeding Mitsy for over four weeks by then and have realised that she is pregnant. Very pregnant. We contact a random rescue organisation, that lends us…


Index of all blog posts, from end to beginning:

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