A playful day

September 11, 2021

Everyone was in an excellent mood today and there was lots of play going on. So this post will be one with heaps of pictures, so you can join the fun!

Oh and we noticed that the kittens were not eating a lot, yesterday and today, in particular not during afternoon snack time. I think we figured out why… it seems that they are all in a happy place and managed to drink quite a bit from Mitsy (who eats normally)… Nothing beats snacking from mother nature, no matter how tasty the wet foods are!

Cats are not humans, but I could swear one of these guys is giving me the feline finger! Too much photography, perhaps!? Sipke and Cheetah.
And then they say to each other: “Whoohahah! We got her good!” Even Mitsy agrees in the background, with a crazy look in her eyes!
Rested and ready for play. Stipke, Cheetah and Sipje.
A very skinny Mitsy in the play tunnels
Eying a toy (Sipke)
Taking a contemplative break
Topsy turvy Sipke
Play! Yay! (Sipke)
King of the castle (Kabiri)
Gotcha! (Sipke)
Mom is watching Sipke in the background
Sibling play (Stipke, Sipke and Cheetah)
Sibling play (Stipke, Kabiri and Sipke)
Quick snack from momma (Cheetah and Mitsy)
Recharging (Stipke)
Look! A mouse! (Kabiri)
I have courage. I can touch it. (Kabiri)
Pooped (Spooky)
Mom is sleepy, time to take advantage of her
Yum! Milk!
A little massage goes a long way

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