September 15, 2021
A quick follow-up of yesterday’s event…
We can both tell that Mitsy remembers last night’s ‘helicopter-move’ to get her into the crate… She is a little bit more cautious towards both of us but other than that there do not seem to be repercussions. Phew.
What we are seeing is how easily she reverts back to the ‘food-only-affection’. She greets us when we come into the room, tail held high, but when we come empty-handed she walks away. And hides in the play-tunnel. This is old behaviour of hers. When she was still out in the yard, she sought refuge in places that were at ground-level, with protection on all sides. Still a ground-dweller. And that is fine. We are happy that most of her trust in us survived and that there were no other effects. Today I sat with her for quite a bit, and offered food in a bowl standing between my legs, sitting on the ground. There was almost no hesitation and she tolerated and even secretly enjoyed the petting. It is funny to see that sometimes she really relaxes into it, lies on her side as we touch her and then suddenly seems to realise what is going on, quickly gets up and creates some distance between herself and us. All baby steps towards a future where she will be able to grow even more trust in (some) humans…