The falling of the window table…

October 9, 2021

When I check the cat-cams during the day, the room seems like an oasis of peace and quiet. But looks can be deceiving!

This morning all 3 cats were enjoying some wild play before I came in with breakfast. Roughhousing kittens, Mitsy playing with a mouse toy on her own, lots of feet running around… Today it ended up in the window table falling over!

Nobody got hurt but the kittens both fell off the window table. That will teach them! (Not). 

Stipke, the small female, likes to sleep in the window. Sipke, her brother, often joins her and I have to check the table regularly because it does tend to move away from the window and create a gap. It’s just a cheap plastic thing from Home Depot. It is actually part of a bigger storage shelf that I have deconstructed, so that I can have two tables annex benches in the room. It is not very stable because it is in fact not meant to stand by itself. So today it fell over. Mitsy was in the middle of the room and just got a scare and the kittens jumped away when it fell with a lot of noise. Kind of funny to see how they react…

Some DIY work for me – I managed to fasten the table to the wall and it is completely stable now. Well, I think that it is. You never know what with all the activity going on there!

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